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Upload employee data via Cushon Portal

Importing employees and contributions using the Cushon Employer Portal is easy. You can download the step-by-step guides in case you need to check anything.

Selecting the right format

Your spreadsheet or file should be uploaded in one of the formats listed below.

PAPDIS (preferred)

PAPDIS is a free and open standard designed to help payroll systems transfer information to pension providers. Many pension providers accept data in this format and it should be a standard report which can be downloaded using your payroll software.

You can download a template/example using the links provided.


The Cushon upload template uses the standard data required for use with Cushon Master Trust and can be used to:

  • Confirm the contributions amounts that will be into the workplace pension for each member and trigger payment for these contributions

  • Upload new employees (this can also be done individually using the 'Employees' section of the Cushon Employer Portal)

  • Confirm any leavers from an employer where no further contributions are expected (this can also be done individually using the 'Employees' section of the Cushon Employer Portal)

You can download a template/example using the links provided.

Still not sure?

Don't worry if you are still not sure, all of this stuff can get a little heavy but rest assured we are here to help. Feel free to get in touch using either (or both) of the methods below and we will be more than happy to help.

Cushon Employer help -

Cushon Employer Helpline - 0345 463 1839