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Blogs·21st January 2021·2 min read

Cushon event: Pensions - the sector that digital forgot

We had a great turn out for our live event on Tuesday 22nd June 2021 and so the topic definitely resonates with people both inside and outside of the pensions industry.

The well known journalist Iona Bain was in the chair and we had an impressive line-up of panellists including the former Pensions Minister, Baroness Ros Altmann. Needless to say, there was no shortage of brilliant insights and everyone left with a clear vision of what good looks like.

From the online chat and questions raised, it’s clear that most people recognise that pensions need to catch-up with other industries when it comes to using technology. We need to get everyone more engaged with pensions and technology has a major part to play in this!

I’m sure those who attended will agree it was a very interesting and worthwhile event. But don’t worry if you didn’t attend, we recorded the proceedings for you so you can watch at your leisure, just click on the video above.

If you did attend, firstly a big thank you for joining us, secondly if you have a follow-up question for any of the panellists let us know by emailing and we’ll forward this on and get it answered for you. If you want to re-watch, just click on the video above. And of course, if you think a friend or colleague would be interested, please feel free to forward the link.

Here is a handy series of timestamps to help you jump right in on the debate:

  • Introduction by Iona Bain, Young Money Blog: 2:23

  • Baroness Ros Altmann, CBE: 4:50

  • Questions for Ros: 16:08

  • David Hayman, Make My Money Matter: 28:35

  • Michael Sherwood, Head of Digital Experience at Atom Bank: 39:55

  • Hannah Lewis, Founder of Women in Pensions and Behave London: 48:43

  • Ben Pollard, CEO and Founder of Cushon: 58:46

  • Final thoughts from the Panel: 1:04:40

  • Questions: 1:20:00

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NatWest Cushon