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Blogs·6th July 2021·2 min read

ESG voting in the Cushon app

Concerned about how your money is being invested? Want your money to be a force for good? It starts by telling us how you want the companies your money is invested in deal with ethical issues that matter the most to you.

The collective voice of customers can help to steer large companies and the way they conduct their business, and this starts with you making your preference known.

What does that mean?

Our voting feature lets you know when the shareholders of companies you’re invested in are going to vote on global issues such as climate change, gender equality, animal welfare and human rights and through your Cushon app you can tell us what you think.

How does it work?

Through the Cushon app, you will view a list of global issues related to ESG policy and select the topics that interest you the most - you can change these at any time. The app will send out alerts for up-and-coming shareholder proposals that relate to those selected interests, giving you a chance to have your say.

Image of voting system in Cushon app

I've selected my topics, what's next?

When a vote related to your selected ESG topics is available, you'll be notified and it'll appear under the 'your votes' feed within the app. From there, you'll be told when the vote expires, you can dismiss the vote without taking any action, review and download full details about the vote and then finally share your preference in favour or against.

Images of voting system in Cushon app

We pool together and pass on all these preferences to the managers looking after your money and when the results are in, we’ll let you know.

Images of voting system in Cushon app from two smartphones
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NatWest Cushon