Past performance summary

Here you can see past performance for Diversified low risk/return back as far as data is available. You can also compare performance to any other investment from our comparison tables (just start typing the name in the box)

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Full performance chart

Annual performance over last 5 years

Dec 19 to Dec 20 Dec 20 to Dec 21 Dec 21 to Dec 22 Dec 22 to Dec 23 Dec 23 to Dec 24
Diversified low risk/return 1.54% -0.94% -3.73% 4.58% 3.45%

Remember, past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

The chart includes the effect of fund manager's charges, but does not include Cushon's charges which may reduce returns by up to 0.79% per annum.

In some cases, where fund managers have launched a new class of shares within a fund, past performance has been extrapolated using a previous share class in order to show a fuller history.

The mix of funds within the Diversified low risk/return portfolio that is available for new investment pots is updated every day depending on the latest market conditions and fund performance. The historical performance shown here relates to this latest mix of funds. However, once you select this portfolio for your pot then we will not change the mix of funds without your permission. Past versions of the Diversified low risk/return portfolio will have contained a different mix of funds and will therefore have performed differently.